Kaya, when she and I chilled in the sun at the house in Tennessee. I brought that quit back to the Haute with me and spent most of Saturday patching it. I'm so freaking domestic.
posted by Palila at 15:21
I think you should take Kaya back with you to the Haute too
By Ghani, at 7:14 AM
That'd be nice, though I don't think I have enough sun in Indiana to power her solar cells.
By Palila, at 2:20 PM
She is a very pretty and friendly kitty ... even if she doesn't like Angus.
By chilort, at 2:12 AM
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I think you should take Kaya back with you to the Haute too
Ghani, at 7:14 AM
That'd be nice, though I don't think I have enough sun in Indiana to power her solar cells.
Palila, at 2:20 PM
She is a very pretty and friendly kitty ... even if she doesn't like Angus.
chilort, at 2:12 AM
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